At LIFE WITH ART, we don't want to tell you what everyone tells you. We simply want you to have a smile on your face at the end of everything.

We achieve it together, making it a personalized sale with the best visualization of your home. Since we all know how to sell, but you have to know how to sell yourself.

Why do I need a trustworthy real estate agent?

-Present the home: Many people simply need help to show their home. Sometimes for convenience, other times because they don't like dealing with third parties. What most people don't know is that there is a method for this, a specific process and a series of questions that we should never stop asking.

-Commitment between both: There are people who find the issue of paperwork traumatic. It is not just about having a contract model, that is easy to achieve. The complex thing is knowing how to agree on the appropriate conditions for each situation. The ideal is to have a legal department for this, the security of avoiding surprises and saving time and peace of mind, generating trust that is decisive at these points.

-Negotiation: The ART of negotiation. It implies a certain emotionality and is not always the most advisable. When hiring an agent you have to see if he is a good negotiator. What kind of negotiator is someone to whom we can impose conditions or reduce his work? Is that the one who will have to defend your property against the offers of the most aggressive buyers? When we hire a good negotiator we hire experience and training, which we obtain profitability and avoid tense situations when dealing with third parties.

-Services for buyers: Any agent worth their salt will be able to offer services to facilitate the purchase of your home for the buyer. You will have to follow up, put you in contact with the best banking entities and prepare the necessary documentation. Providing good services to buyers is essential to facilitate operations. In addition, a trained agent must qualify them to avoid visits from curious onlookers, inconvenience and false expectations.

-Value your home: Any seller will always seek maximum profitability for the sale of his properties. Most of the time the maximum price is not achieved by setting a high price. This is a clear mistake. There are other possibilities that a good agent knows how to explore. Making the house a desire, a good negotiation or having several simultaneous offers, greatly improves profitability.

And the most important thing is to enjoy your LIFE, because we already provide the ART.